Just For Today I Will Do My Work Honestly
 And Operate From a Place of Integrity

Those of a certain generation are familiar with the phrase, “an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay.” This is a pretty straight forward idea and at its core it similar to the Reiki precept: just for today I will do my work honestly. But what does it mean to do your work honestly? When you compare the definitions of honesty and integrity you learn that honesty means that you don’t lie, cheat, steal, or otherwise deceive someone, whereas integrity means you’re internally consistent, are in adherence to a strict moral code thus considered incorruptible. So, while the word honestly is used, integrity is what I associate with this precept. You know, doing the right thing even though nobody is looking.

When I was in high school I was in the Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC). For those who aren’t familiar, JROTC is similar to collegiate ROTC, but it’s geared toward high schoolers. During my four years in JROTC I learned a lot about integrity. Our retired Sergeants and Officers not only instilled confidence and provided training in leadership skills they also taught the importance of integrity. If you don’t display integrity, your team is less likely to trust you and they will not follow you into battle (or in our case the drill team competition floor). If your team doesn’t trust you, you will lose. So, what does this have to do with doing your work honestly? A lot! If your clients, subordinates, bosses, co-workers, interns, etc. don’t see or feel like you’re doing your work honestly, not only will they not trust you, but they also won’t want to work with you. On the flip side, you’ll notice that when you work from a place of integrity and those around you don’t, you don’t want to be around or work with them.
Like a majority of the working population, I’ve held several positions (some at the same time) where things just weren’t right. I had wonderful supervisors and lousy co-workers and vice versa. I’ve worked in industries where I was certain I was going to thrive, but that didn’t happen. In some cases, the Universe gave me what I wanted, just to show me that it wasn’t what I really wanted. In other cases, the Universe brought me to places that made no sense to me at the time but turned out to be just what I need at the time. However, these didn’t work out long-term either. I was just there to learn something for my future endeavors and once I learned whatever it was I needed to learn the Universe would let me know it was time for a change. This happened for decades. It seemed as though every time I felt like I was in the right working conditions, company, industry what have you, the Universe would open a window, throw me out and see if I had wings. It seemed like everywhere I went, I tended to feel out of place. I would like what I was doing, be liked by those I worked with and get along with everyone (for the most part), but I just didn’t belong. I felt like the Sesame Street song “one of these just doesn’t belong here.” It was frustrating to say the least. I really started to question what was wrong with me. I went into every position I took with an open mind and the willingness to do things right. I always worked hard to ensure that whatever I did was done correctly. When I made a mistake or did something wrong, I copped to it and corrected it quickly. I made it a point not to lie – I don’t have time to remember all the little details of a story when it’s easy and faster to just tell the truth. I felt like I was a great employee, so why couldn’t I find a place that was “just right” for a person of my skills and ethic?

When I stepped back to figure out what I was doing wrong, it turns out I wasn’t doing anything wrong. I was doing my work honestly, but something or someone else was not. My internal compass seems to naturally operate from a place of integrity and when something is off it lets me know and I have to act or get pushed, unwillingly, in a new direction. One of my strangest lessons in life has been to acknowledge that if I ignore something (anything) for an extended period of time, it doesn’t just go away. NO, the Universe likes to push me in new directions. Talk about making a person uncomfortable. But every direction I have gone in (sometimes kicking and screaming) has led me to beautiful places and situations.

The Universe nudged me into Reiki and now I no longer feel like a Sesame Street song. I found my calling, the service I’m supposed to be offering to the world. My purpose. I finally found the “perfect” job. For me, this precept addresses the need to be in alignment with your vocation or occupation in life. After years of trying to figure what I’d been doing wrong – it turns out I wasn’t doing a lot wrong, I just wasn’t in the right vocation – I finally I had my lightbulb moment. I’m no longer struggling with what it really means to do my work honestly. I’m happy to do my work and I do it with integrity. Do you struggle with doing your work honestly or do you have tips to share on how you work from a place of honesty and integrity? Let me know in the comments below.

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