Learning to Step Outside the Familiar

Sometimes staying inside your comfort zone is dangerous. What?! How can it be dangerous to stay in your comfort zone, your space that is safe? Well, to be honest, just because it’s called a comfort zone doesn’t mean it’s comfortable. Sometimes a comfort zone is a scary, unpredictable place to dwell, but it’s familiar, so we stay. It’s easier to stay marking time in your current situation because you’ve learned to navigate and maneuver the twists and turns of your so called “comfort zone.” You don’t leave because the thought of leaving is actually more terrifying than staying. However, leaving your comfort zone might be exactly what you need to do to reclaim your peace of mind and live a happier life.


As humans we tend to take comfort in our mundane, predictable routines. Change isn’t usually welcome unless we invite it in. This can be hard. Change, or the thought of change, can be downright nerve racking. Like me, you may have found (or find) yourself taking refuge and solace in abusive or unhappy relationships; miserable or toxic work environments; lonely or unfulfilling friendships all because it’s easier than the alternative (whatever that may look like in your mind). However, these are the worst comfort zones ever! You might be asking why I’d define them as comfort zones? They’re nowhere near comfortable. You’re right, they’re not comfortable – they’re just familiar. When you’re in the thick of them everyday the routine they offer allows you to navigate your day without too much thought or effort. That’s what makes them comfortable.


I tend to be a stubborn human and it’s not always easy to get me to move out of my comfort zones – especially the dangerous ones. For some bizarre reason I feel the need to stay longer than I should, trying to make situations or relationships better. I don’t give up easily. So I know how scary it is to leave a comfort zone. There have been several occasions when I was forced out of my comfort zone, not because I wanted to leave, but because I had no choice…the Universe told me it was time to move forward, time to grow and time to discover the strength I didn’t think I had. The first several times the Universe forced me out of my comfort zone (outside of graduating from school), I was scared, confused, angry and upset. Really angry and upset. I didn’t understand why I was being tested and pushed to my breaking point. It felt like every time I was in a comfortable space, when everything was good and I thought I was going to be okay, the rug would be pulled out from under me. I’d have to get back up, dust myself off and start over. I felt alone! At times I honestly felt like Job. It felt like God hated me and left me to fend for myself, and yet I had faith. I kept taking one brave step forward, and then another, and another. It wasn’t until I started developing my divine gifts that I began to realize and understand the lessons I was being taught and how these lessons were helping me so that I can help others. This was a pivotal moment in my spiritual development. Once I began to understand this concept, everything else started to make sense. I’m here to help people get through challenging times in their lives and move forward with peace.


Forced growth can be a blessing disguised as what looks like a chaotic curse. More often than not we are forced out of our comfort zone by life altering events. Events like graduating high school; graduating from college; getting married; getting divorced; becoming a parent; experiencing a health crisis all shake us to our core and force us out of our comfort zone. Some are good, some are bad, either way they wake us up and get us moving in a new direction. For those who embrace and welcome change, these events are taken in stride. It’s just another new adventure for them to navigate. However, these events can have everyone else feeling a bit trepidatious. We don’t care how messy, scary, mundane, stagnant or peaceful our comfort zone may be…we don’t want to leave it!


When someone is trying to leave an abusive relationship, toxic work environment, recover from an eating disorder or a health crisis it can be overwhelming. People in these types of situations want to leave, but until something profound happens, they won’t. They’re afraid. Even though they know the situation is not healthy for them, not helping them and just bringing them grief, they’re afraid to leave. Sometimes this fear can be paralyzing. Taking that first step takes a tremendous amount of courage, grace and fortitude. Once that first step is taken, there’s no going back. When I work with someone trying to leave these types of situations not only do I come from a place of compassion, but also understanding. I understand how hard it can be to leave. I’ve been in their shoes; I understand what they’re going through, and I know how hard it is to leave. Not one of these situations is comfortable nor are they easy to leave.


If you’re feeling pushed out of your comfort zone and you don’t feel ready, remember, like Gabby Bernstein says The Universe has Your Back, and so do I. You’re not alone. If you feel like you need extra support with getting out of your comfort zone email me at: thequiethealer@outlook.com. I’ll help you through.

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